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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Aravind eye clinic inaugurated in Tuticorin

A community eye clinic, established by Aravind Eye Hospital here started functioning from 27th November, at Chidrambara Nagar.

The clinic is equipped with an outpatient department, manned by two ophthalmologists and eight paramedical staff, to test disorders and diseases such as refractive errors, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, among others.

Modern eye testing gadgets such as slit lamp bio-microscope to screen the retina and the nervous system and auto refractometer to check eye power and refractive errors had been installed.

A `non contact tonometre,' an instrument to test eye pressure without making contact with eye, and facilities for optical grinding and fitting of spectacles were also there. The clinic would treat squint eye, refractive errors and cataract in children.

The hospital plans establish `vision centres' at Srivaikundam in Tuticorin district.

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